What is the positive benefit of regular exercise?

Aks Fitness
3 min readMar 24, 2021


What is the positive benefit of regular exercise?

Physical activity increases energy expenditure and accelerates basal (resting) metabolism, or. prevents it from slowing down and thus helps to increase energy expenditure even at rest. Exercises of an aerobic nature, also called cardio exercises (eg cycling, brisk walking, running, swimming) help reduce the amount of food ingested and change food preferences (athletes prefer less fatty and healthier meals).

Exercise in conjunction with a well-designed diet prevents the loss of muscle mass that is often caused by the diet itself and also by the wrong diet. This fact is undesirable, because if there is a loss of muscle mass, a person feels weak, has less physical strength. Less active matter also means a lower potential to burn energy from food and body fat. If you include exercise in your weight loss program, you will lose about 5% of your muscle and 95% of your weight loss will be ‘bacon’. Those who lose weight just by adjusting their diet without additional physical activity will lose 25% of their muscle and 75% of their fat and may be at risk of bone loss and thinning slightly.

Exercise changes the ratio of fat and active muscle mass and makes weight loss much more effective

Exercise increases the oxidation (oxidation) of fatty acids in adipose tissue. This process is necessary for the use of fat for energy purposes, which means that exercise promotes fat burning. J ednoduc said, to exercise your weight loss more effectively. The amount of fat inside the body, the so-called viscellar fat, is also reduced.

Viscellar fat is fat in the torso area — it is the ‘worst fat’ because it is the most damaging to health and the most difficult to get rid of, and from a health point of view it also poses the highest risk because it envelops internal organs. The positive benefit of exercise for health is probably the most important and that is why it pays to exercise. While it is possible to lose weight even without exercise, some health parameters cannot be favorably influenced by anything other than regular exercise. It is difficult to replace sports with another activity, and the points below describe the benefits that regular exercise will bring you:

Rapid improvement of physical fitness and condition, improvement of nerve-muscle coordination, reduces the risk of falls, injuries, and injuries, whoever exercises is much less physically “clumsy”

A sportsperson lasts longer, gets less tired

Improves mental state, mood, mental functions, sensitivity, intellectual performance, reduces feelings of mental exhaustion

Increases self-confidence, reduces depression, improves self-esteem and satisfaction with one’s own body

Exercise strengthens bones, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, improves posture, and reduces problems with the spine and joints

Exercise reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, alleviates the problems associated with diabetes

It causes favorable changes in blood pressure, ie to optimal values. It has been proven that sports reduce mortality and the incidence of cardiovascular, but also other diseases

The trained individual heals faster, injures heal better, has increased immunity to diseases

Exercise increases the efficiency of the heart’s work — the resting heart rate is reduced, as the more powerful heart muscle pushes out more blood with a lower number of beats, the less the heart is ‘stressed’.

Adjusts cholesterol levels — increase HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol), lower total cholesterol

You see, just want and you can start. And remember: proper exercise only has a positive effect on the body. If you do not know how to compile the right training plan and diet, consult the experts from ELITE training. We can prepare a training program that will take into account your physical, health, and time possibilities.

