home remedies for high blood pressure

Aks Fitness
1 min readJan 1, 2021


Blood pressure, also called BP for short, is the pressure that the heart has to face due to the contraction of the blood vessels as it contracts and expands. It is common sense that the narrower the blood vessels, the more resistance the blood will have to pass through them. It is the aks fitness website. That’s why when we measure blood pressure, we know how much pressure our heart is under to do its job, that is, to pump blood. And the blood vessels have their natural capacity or are narrowed due to some reason such as moss on the walls or some obstruction. When blood pressure exceeds a standard, this condition is called hypertension or hypertension. The pressure that the heart experiences when it contracts is called systolic blood pressure and the pressure it experiences when it expands is called diastolic blood pressure. The standard heart contraction pressure is 120 mm Hg, while the standard dilation pressure is 80 mm Hg. If these two pressures or either of them is more or less then it is necessary to adopt BP control methods. For more information Read More.

